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Richard Osaga

Hey, My name is Richard Osaga

Full stack software Engineer with working experience in translating idea and user pain point to designing, developing and deploying smart digital solutions of high quality, usability and scalability.

  • 2022 - Present
    MSC in Computer Systems
    Jomo Kenyatta University

  • 2015 - 2018
    BSC in Information Technology
    Jomo Kenyatta University

Get to know me!

Hey! It's Richard Osaga and I'm a Full stack system Engineer located in Nairobi Kenya. I've done remote & office projects for agencies, consulted for startups, and collaborated with talented people to create digital products for both business and non profit organisations use.

I'm an enthusiast in health informatics and analytics. Over the years, I have interacted and developed multiple health information systems for both data collection and analytics.
Feel free to contact me here.


My Skills

Postgres and SQL


Software Screenshot

National Cancer Institute Patient Register

Worked with the National Cancer Institute of Kenya to develop a nationwide registry for cancer patients currently being implemented in all 47 counties in Kenya. This has helped identify and track cancer patients through the course of treatment and aided the institution in provision of data for informed decision making.

Live System
Software Screenshot

National Immunization Dashboard

Worked on developing of a custom National Immunization dashboard app embedded in DHIS2 for the Ministry of Health Kenya to visualize data on immunization vaccine commodities. This was to enable high level visualization of the commodity status at the health facility levels.

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Software Screenshot

Health Commodities Dashboard

A dashboard within KHIS/DHIS2 that gives data on commodities' usage, stock levels and performance status in health facilities across Kenya. It includes metrics for malaria, HIV, TB & FP programs

Live System
Software Screenshot

Disease Surveillance Analytics

A public visualization dashboard for MOH Kenya to help in disease outbreak awarenes for the Kenyan public. It enables the public to be informed of new outbreaks within their regions that have passed either the alert or action thresholds.

Live system

Contact Feel free to Contact me